Mick Paynter

Kolonn Sans hwath
gans Mick Paynter (Skogynn Pryv),
rag an Artydh Skows Brian O'Toole
War dha dowl, O'Toole,
o, ty dh'omdewlel
gans el, splann es howl.
Hag war dowl an el
genes dh'omdewlel
heb drog bys merwel.
Na Nev, na Ifarn, po Purjyans ragos, nyns yw.
Ytho, lymner, lemmyn, y lymnis lymnans, yth yw.....
Ottena, omma….
Pinta korev, wosa dha Soedh
gans an Arloedh, hag y golonn ev
war y vron y sev, a'th hesya'n arwoedh.
yn Sowsnek:
Another Sacred Heart
by Mick Paynter
For the Scouse Artist Brian O’Toole
The plan was, O’Toole,
for you to wrestle,
with an angel bright as sun.
And the angel’s plan
with you harmlessly
to wrestle’til death.
Nor Heaven, nor Hell, or Purgatory, for you, there’s not.
So, painter, now, a picture I did paint, it is.....
See there, it’s here.....
A pint of beer; when your Work’s clear,
with the Good Lord, while his heart itself
stands up on his breast, signifies your jest.
Y ferwis Brian O'Toole yn 2001. Y kwelir nebes samplow a y ober eev war'n wiasva Samuel Beckett Site ha war wiasva The Balsko site
Brian O'Toole died in 2001. Samples of his work can be seen at the Samuel Beckett Site and on The Balsko site